Saturday, 9 April 2016

Life is Life

How do we deal with failure or the feeling of it in our lives.  I watched my old school today take on one of its older rivals at rugby and our boys got thrashed. It was a pitiful performance and I could only imagine the disappointment and feeling of failure which must have filled the boys, the coaches and the supporters. We all fail at times and we can chastise ourselves for all the things we have failed to achieve or accomplish.  If only we had taken a stand instead of taking a seat, or been bold instead of being quiet.  Maybe like the boys today it is not the first time that you have been hammered and it feels like  you really should not be  even in the game.  Maybe you even feel like this in your personal life, beaten and trodden and just a total loser because you cant seem to achieve what you really want to in life. Your eyes may see your faults but your faith needs to see your saviour and the ones in your life that really care.  Your eyes see your guilt but your faith can see your redemption and a chance to still make good on your life.  There is little point in feeling downcast, unless you are willing to go the extra mile and keep trying.  You can know that this is a season of learning and enduring.  You may want to turn your back on this ever pressing life and walk away or quit because you keep losing or feel that the things that make you truly happy just dont seem to come even though they may be right in front of you.  But here is the thing, find peace in the depths of your pain.  We dont want to try to change because it is hard and we are not sure what we have to gain, so we figure it best to rather give up. But the reality is that we sometimes have to stand behind each other, have empathy for what each other are going through but not accept failure as a possibility. If success and happiness are truly what you want then you are going to have to find a way to make it happen.  Always remember why you started something and if it matters that much,then have the courage to try to make it worth the pain, the suffering and the stress.  

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