There can be no doubt that the world is complicated, between economic uncertainty and rising interest rates, together with food inflation, changing weather patterns and global warming, cultural and political upheavel on so many levels and massive risk of violence and corruption to the highest levels in government and this makes for a very interesting time to be living on our planet. It is easy to be a cynic in these times, easy to be critical and opinionated, but if we stop for a second to pervay the surroundings we will soon note that there is still a fair amount of magic to be found and a whole lot of living to be accomplished. No one says that change is easy and taking risks in times like these tends to draw major detraction, because it would appear to be the best to simply lie low and allow the storm to pass. But in South Africa we tend to quickly adjust our normal and simply accept the new and often far more unacceptable norm, to become our reality. We moaned excessively when the rand went to to $10 but now we are happy to accept that becuase times are tough, the currency is ok at $15. So therefore we can afford to be entirely dissatisfied with ordinary standards and start tackling principles that have been neglected and rising to meet issues head on in this country. A media celebrity this week managed to win a case regarding rasism and prejudice and even leaders of the ruling party in the Western Cape have had to endure attacks, all as a result of an unwillingness to bring about real change. We tend to stay stuck in our circumstances indefinitely, even when we know that a different outcome and an altogetner happier ending could be possible if we take the right risks and have the courage to face the possibility that all we have now, need not be all that is best in our future. It is possible to try to control everything in your life and end up having nothing like happiness, but we need to embrace the struggle and face the sacrifices that need to be made in order to truly declutter the loves that we are meant to have. We need to stop doing the things that we do not truly care about because they deliver stress to our lives and start working hard on the things we love because they result in passion. There is no embarressmemt in being emotional about the tough struggles, but we need to make sure that they really are the struggles that will produce fruit in our lives and will steer our course for a better outcome. Whether you have to endure the struggles on your own, or in a relationship, the time has come to really work hard and handle the set backs and actually follow through on promises and conversations we have had. There is nothing wrong in making mistakes but we cannnot afford to make the same mistakes on a regular basis. I would rather be amongst those that work hard at success, whertner in business, or in life in general for that mattter, than being complacent and hoping that that a lucky break will enable us to fulfill our greatest desires and goals. May action speak louder than our words and may we find that life is not about avoiding the bruises, but rather about collecting the scars to prove that we showed up for it.
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Painful Peace makes us Happy
We have all asked the question what do we want. Especially at the beginning of a New Year we are attuned to what may or may not happen in the coming Year. We
struggle to understand this concept because we are surrounded by conflict,
pain and a whole lot of misunderstanding. The reality is that most of the
world is in a Topsy Turvy state and finding peace is challenging to say the
least. The markets are so unpredictable
and soaring food prices and continued disruption at tertiary institutions are making for
fears of unrest and instability.
Negative sentiment of strife and we are only in January. So can things
come right? Well yes if we truly
determine what we want and slowly and in a dedicated manner, put our shoulder to
the wheel and continue to make things happen. Perhaps we spend too much time
at the moment seeking happiness instead of using our time to find quiet. Happiness still takes a lot of work, and we
continue to chase around to attain it, whether it is in planning trips or just
finishing a project, as soon as possible to be able to get enough money to do
the next thing and the next thing and so on. Realities also mix in with our
happiness and while we are seeking happiness these realities are influencing
us and actually drawing us further from peace, which is what we think happiness
will provide and yet we end up so involved in the pursuit, that we will miss the
end goal. The pain we endure is perhaps
the very secret place where we can experience a real chance at happiness.
Because in the pain lies the things that we really are willing to endure and
persist in. And where we show determination to actually take a step to eventual
victory over the surrounding negativity. The things that we want for a happy
life take enormous sacrifice, they require consistent pain, because they are
not easy, but they can lead to change and growth. Our country is desperately in need of men and
woman, the colour is so irrelevant and frankly such a waste of time, who are
willing to find a way to make small differences each day in the place where
they are relevant and to work diligently in their given vocations, not for the
chance to move jobs for an extra R500, not so that they can get immediate
promotion and certainly not to achieve a position because of entitlement, but to
work damn hard to just ensure that the job they currently are blessed with, is
done wit excellence. We need to be and
should be extremely dissatisfied with the way things are working in the country, but perhaps we need to see it in the context that where there is enough pain and
suffering the closeness of happiness and success may be a lot closer than we
think. I am not advocating negative sentiment for negative purpose but rather
dissatisfaction for growth. We can all
learn to embrace this painful time and reach the other side of this year, having
actually achieved some previously unattained goals.
Saturday, 9 January 2016
Miller Time: The Fresh smell of Rain.
Miller Time: The Fresh smell of Rain.: I wakened finally this morning, to the coolness after the rain and some respite from the stifling heat that we have experienced in the last...
The Fresh smell of Rain.
I wakened finally this morning, to the coolness after the rain
and some respite from the stifling heat that we have experienced in the
last week. I was grateful for the puddles and moisture lying all
over. It felt like when we finally have
a break through after many months of struggle and pain and hurt. It lead me to think of peace and gaining a perspective on
where we find ourselves and to begin to process the moments in between. I want to try to be someone who is comfortable in their skin and honest with their reality. I want to socialise with such people, who can be honest about their reality. Social media has been in the news again with
twitter wars on racism and prosecutions for Facebook comments. It would seem
that social media dominates the landscape from business to private lives and it
is here to stay. Many people make it the last thing they do before switching
off their light and the first thing they check in the morning. And yet much of what is posted is actually of the things that we used to share in our minds or
captured in special moments with people we care about. It is extremely important to surround ourselves with people that are neither perfect nor paint pictures of being such. Rather people that can smile at their flaws and admit that they are wrong. Now we have ways to give expression to this, by posting profiles and selfies and Emoji pics. Authenticity is hard to find and too often we let our lives become, what others opinions are and not their own truth. Clearly I am a hopeless romantic, but I do
long for days of mystery and anticipation of things to come, instead of instant
responses and comments made even before sufficient time has been spent on the
possible outcomes. I don't want a perception of perfection - I want real people and genuine reality. Decisions are to be exact and concise and considered and the
hastiness can lead to misunderstanding and a whole lot of assumptions. The
problem is that it is expected of us to provide immediate answers and if we
don't know something, to look it up instantly and our authority is no longer to
be found in wisdom and discernment, but rather in Wikipedia and Google. I wonder
how many mistakes are made because the decision is too quick and a different
outcome could have been achieved if we took a little longer to ponder the question and
where it might lead. In a very good article I read over the internet?? a study
conducted over a 75 year period revealed that good relationships with other
human beings was what made a difference to many people's happiness and longevity. Those with friends were
healthier, lived longer and enjoyed a more fulfilled life. What happened to
talking every day to friends and being accepted for who you are and to be able
to truly connect with people over a meal or a glass of wine. Some would argue
that using the internet, we could simply get more friends and more options, but
it still seems that we only have a few truly good friends and that taken over a
lifetime, they will remain the persons we connect with and who we truly
know. For me the balance in life is becoming more important and if I want to make my life count, I need to make sure
that I connect with the right people and truly learn what I can from their experiences and actual conversations. We are better off walking away from people and situations that threaten our peace of mind, self respect, or self worth. We betray ourselves when we do not follow the hearts desire for what the heart is attracted to, is our destiny.
Friday, 1 January 2016
Miller Time: Hello .... is it 2016 your looking for!
Miller Time: Hello .... is it 2016 your looking for!: I last posted a blog several months ago and I have learnt that reflection or dwelling on the past has little place in a world that changes a...
Hello .... is it 2016 your looking for!
I last posted a blog several months ago and I have learnt that reflection or dwelling on the past has little place in a world that changes and develops so quickly. To be caught up in nostalgia or pining for things gone by, will not help much when you have responsibilities to fulfil and business to run. Yet on occasion, life gives us a time to take in events and times and provides a learning moment when we can spend a few moments to think about our lives, the contribution we have made and to test our commitment to humanity, whether over a few sips of wine, or while pounding the streets on a run, or even sitting in front of a computer as I am doing. 2015 is certainly gone and thankfully so. It has been surprising how many people have similarly stated that they are happy to see the back of the year and await a more positive and happier year. Although I am sure that it can be that there are various factors, we are best to hold close to our chest as a reality check the things that made 2015 tough. Globally terror is on the increase and Europe is no longer a place of peace and tranquillity. Locally we face a drought and an idiot as president who is costing our country enormous damage and generally driving our economy to junk status. America challenges gun control and China needs a place to house its ever expanding populous who are no longer happy to eat rice and vegetables, but seek to impact the world through growth and development. The point is that no place seems to be free of upheaval or consternation and this means that as we head into a New year, with 366 days, we would be wise to take the focus off whats happening around us and in the 4 walls of other peoples lives and to focus more attentively to our own sh$%.. There is not too much we can do to stabilise the economy by working hard and honestly, as so many South Africans do, when the government abuses its Powers and directs funds and influence on their own selfish natures instead of the very people that brought them to democracy. But, we can keep doing the right things as individuals and as each one commits to this process of being the best they can in their sphere of influence, surely this will have an effect on the country as a whole, I have many friends that have chosen to establish there lives elsewhere and they cannot be blamed for the decisions that they have made, but those of us left here would be wise to know that the grass is not always greener elsewhere. For this reason we can stay and make a difference each day of 2016. It would be far better if leadership at the top of the country were to help to make the changes to crime, the economy, education and general protection of resources and infrastructure, but while they are blinded by greed, corruption and disrespect of the nation, we as the minions will need to make the changes and spread the influence, until the "fat cats" come to their reality. It seems like it is to be another slog in 2016, but as long as we are willing to nurture the good relationships we do have, to seek happiness in our own circumstances and to do whatever we are tasked to do in excellence, then the road ahead for this year can be memorable. So don't forget the tough times past and don't write off the people that have got you to this point, but remain committed to your happiness and the goals and dreams you have set for the 8784 hours (and opportunities) that lie ahead this year.
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